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I know you’ve seen them online. Those business owners who work from home, have families, and seem to keep their blog and social media updated regularly. 

Every week they show off their new content, and although it inspires you, it’s hard not to feel jealous. 

They seem to consistently have new blogs going live that promote their industry, products, and services in an inventive and fun way. 

They seem to always be: 

  • developing new offers  
  • regularly promoting their business online without being annoying
  • celebrating a new milestone or partnership. 

Even more frustrating? Many of these super bloggers are one woman shows. Solopreneurs! How do they manage to get everything done without a staff or team in place to help?

It’s hard not to have blog envy. 

Yes, it’s a real thing. Blog envy is the desire to have a business blog just like the one belonging to you competitor.

Before you go all Single White Female on your competitor’s blog, you should know that it is possible for you to have a business blog that is just as awesome.

Here are the 15 habits of productive home business bloggers.

Productive business bloggers:

#1 Use editorial calendars religiously

Productive bloggers always utilize an editorial calendar. 

Just like large websites, they have detailed schedules that incorporate themes and content campaigns. 

These are used to strategize content every quarter. Tools to help include Google Docs, CoSchedule, and Trello. 

#2 Live and die the to-do list

Serious bloggers live and die by their to-do list and daily routines. 

Before they day ends they develop their list for the next day, and at the beginning of the workday, they knock out their most urgent tasks before lunch. 

#3 Plan their content a quarter in advance

We already talked about having an editorial calendar, but productive bloggers use those tools to plan out their content at least a quarter in advance. 

This allows them to have the flexibility to implement new ideas and trends quickly. 

#4 Take breaks throughout the day

Productive bloggers write a lot. 

So taking breaks throughout the day to get inspiration and clear the mind are important. 

These breaks allow them to be more creative and are a great way to stay healthy. 

#5 Blog regularly (3 to 5 times per week)

Productive bloggers know that the secret to profiting via content marketing is to blog regularly. 

The most productive business bloggers blog between 3 to 5 times per week, and will never go more than a week without uploading content. 

#6 Have a strategy for content promotion

Promotion is more important for a successful business blogger than creating the content. 

Creating content means nothing if no one sees it. 

Productive bloggers can schedule content promotion for just one piece of content for up to 120 days into the future

#7 Partner with other business bloggers

Good bloggers make sure to partner with other bloggers via joint promotions, interviews, and guest blogging.

Great bloggers take it a step further and participate in affiliate marketing and social media partnerships. 

#8 Stay up to date on the latest industry trends

Productive bloggers always stay up to date with the latest industry trends. 

They use tools like Reddit, Google Trends, Google Insights, and Twitter Trending Topics, to make sure that they are thought leaders in their industry. 

#9 Kick butt at SEO

Professional business bloggers who get a ton of traffic to their blogs, don’t just understand SEO; they are masters of SEO. 

They are always reading and applying new search engine marketing tactics to make sure their content is found.

#10 Stalk google analytics

Business bloggers who want to make a profit are well-versed in Google Analytics. 

They understand the importance of understanding their audience, what content is performing well, and how to get the most out of every website visitor. 

#11 Take notes and steal like an artist

The best bloggers are always taking notes and writing down what inspires them. 

They also know how to steal like an artist by studying industry influencers and developing similar successful strategies with their insights. 

#12 Set quarterly and yearly goals

Business bloggers who have found success online set quarterly and annual goals and work backward. 

They have planning sessions that where they come up with their end of the year goals and the create mini tasks due every quarter and month so that they accomplish their goals. 

#13 Treat their blog like a business

Real bloggers don’t just blog for fun. Yes they have a passion and love for the topic, but they also know it’s important to make a profit. 

To do so, they create purchase funnels that include free downloads, landing pages and more to convert readers into customers. 

#14 Write daily

Writing daily is the only way to develop great content consistently. Productive business bloggers make it a habit of writing daily. 

This habit is not only to produce blog posts but also to make the task of writing easier. 

Practice not only makes perfect, but it also makes it simpler and less time consuming. 

#15 Are lifelong learners

Constantly learning and reading is another way that productive bloggers stay at the top of their industries. 

By always learning, they trump their competitors, come up with new and fresh content, keep their readers engaged, and continue to be the thought leaders of their industries. 

Now it’s your turn! What habits that have helped you stay consistent when developing content for your business blog as a work from home entrepreneur?



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